"Object of Desire: Quilts from Smith's General in Yarmouth, Maine" (May 2022) Remodelista

The Lost Kitchen. Season 2 Episode 7 "Cabin Fever" (April 2022) The Magnolia Network
Curated Quilts Marketplace. Issue 19, Red (April 2022) Sugar Shack.
"Maine-Made Presents for Last Minute Gifters" (Dec 2021) Maine Home & Design
"4 Fresh Ways to Decorate With Quilts" (Winter 2021) MaineHomes by DownEast
Curated Quilts. Issue 15, Covid (April 2021) Gather Together.
"Returning to Craft" (Jan-March 2020) Solo exhibit, Merrill Memorial Library, Yarmouth, ME
Curated Quilts Marketplace. Issue 10, Black & White (Jan 2020) Cormorant.
"Roadtripping through Yarmouth" (Jan/Feb 2020) MaineHomes by DownEast
"Holiday Gift Guide" (Nov/Dec 2019) MaineHomes by DownEast
"A Weekend in Yarmouth" (Oct 2019) Decor Maine
(Jan 2019) Love Patchwork & Quilting
"Material Girls" (Oct 2019) Downeast Magazine
"A New Kind of Country Store" (June 2019) Maine Home & Design
QuiltCon. Minimalist design category (Feb 2019) Flight Effect.
Curated Quilts. Issue 4, Triangles (2018) Intertidal.
Curated Quilts. Issue 3, Minimalistic (2018) Flight Effect.
"What Shade Are You?" (Jan 2018) RJR Fabrics